Coach winning formula to boost performance & reduce injuries in sports

  • Tired of constantly being injured ?
  • Is the team not finishing on top of the league?
  • Unable to perform well during the season?

Sports such as soccer, volleyball and basketball are noticing a considerable increase in injuries and poor team performance. However, using the TSL platform, various coaches or physios have significantly reduced injuries and improved overall team performance. If you want a greater chance of performing well in your sport, work with our affordable, easy-to-use tool with minimum effort and increase your team's performance, minimise injuries, and improve their mental wellness.

sport with injury prevention and increase performance

How can we help your sports team?

reduce injuries
Injury prevention

Our innovative tool can identify injuries before they surface and provide personalised preventative/rehabilitative programs instead of generic ones, maximising success.

personalised report and exercise
Strongest team

With reduced injuries, the team will be physically and mentally healthier. Using our tracking report and personalise report, you will have a complete picture of your whole squad's health and pick your best players throughout the season.

improve sports performance
Increase performance

Our AI will provide you with personalised reporting, including tailored exercises for each athlete based on competitiveness, age and gender.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist support
Expert support

Our Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist will collaborate and assist you throughout the journey and ensuring your team has a strong winning chance.

We tell you where, how, why before it happens ... and we fix it

We understand that club funding can be an issue, and for a limited time, we will provide a three-month cost-free trial that will allow you to enjoy the platform's benefits. Reach out to us to start your journey towards the winning formula.

Talk to us
About the screening lab sports in Perth Australia

The Screening Lab in sports

TheScreeningLab's innovative AI cloud-based system offers an indispensable complete suite of technical tools designed to identify flaws in technique and biomechanics to address them before injuries result while simultaneously improving their performance. Schools and universities, sports federations, teams and clubs, personal trainers and coaches, fitness centres and gyms all use physical screening among their day-to-day tools for a variety of applications